
resist consist

Sometimes I think about life. Philosophize about the human being. Why we are as we are. What we do and why we do it. Whoever we are meant to be. The meaning of life. Tonight I cogitate the fact that we're actually not always allowed to be who we are. Irrespective of color, high or low confidence, sex, disposition, interests, work, age, class, bag man, famous, fat, thin, shy, pushing.. There's always any kind of expectations on us. We can't just do something because we want to. Even if that's mostly something we aim for in life. To be ourselves. What I don't understand is that it seems that some people can do whatever they want, write whatever they want, say whatever they want - to anyone they want. And then seem to think that others may not bother or react. At all. For them it's okey to stamp on others as long as no one stamps on them, as long as no one treats them in same shitty way as they treat others. That's low and I dare to think it's a bad qualification. I've experienced it and others with me. In different levels. Can anyone answer why this happens? How these people are thinking? Do they think they're actually better than the other of us or are they just so into themselves? What in the whole wide world can accept such behaviour? I think mankind should be more fair, no matter what. Not that I'm better than anyone else, probably not at all, but sometimes you just can't get people and their manners. I prefer the oddness in fair love. To be fair and to be fair with love. When life itself isn't mankind really should. So I wonder.

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