Tonight I've visit the movie theater again. Or to be exact, it was yesterday. Since I've reached the limits for the goldmembership in SF's cinemaclub I haven't used any of my points there. Because of that I got this movie for free. The second movie for free in one week (
Prometheus was the other one). How hilarious isn't that? Anyway. Now it was time for
Snow White & the Huntsman (10/6). In many ways this film appeared as I expected. We all know the fairy tale about the evil queen, the mirror and the beautiful Snow White. In
Snow White & the Huntsman we gets most of these typical marks for this fairy, from dwarfs to poisoned apples. But in a new point of view. I like the way this stays the classical story. I also like the new perspective which (among other things) are formed through the visual effects. In many ways I even love this, despite some really annoying details. Charlize Theron is absolutely fantastic (just as I guessed) and Chris Hemsworth made a safe impression, even though he looks a bit insane in his fights. I feel safe by his steady Austrailan accent. Probably it helps that I also likes his personality off screen. And I like the castle, the dwarfs, the bird-thing, the splinter-soldiers. the dark forest, the fairy forest, the troll, the queen, the huntsman, the balance between the funny and dark. The beautiness. So, what do I not like? Kristen Stewart. Can that girl act at all? Can she avoid looking druged and angry? Open her eyes and truly smile? Change the face just once? Express herself? I hate shallowness but isn't Snow White suppose to be more beautiful than the evil queen? Theron looks just fabulous. The mirror-mirror-who-is-the-fairest-of-them-all-thing looses its credibility by this. I'm so sorry Kristen but I don't believe in you. I wish I could. Some others in the cast also disappointed me a bit. But that's to overcome. What makes me most sad is that fantasy movies like this one always seems to lack out of something to get extraordinary. Complications. Some things missing. Almost always. It's to bad because I really love fairy tales, adventures and fantasy. Now. That's all I'm gonna say. By the way. Anyone else who notes the huge influence of Hayao Miyazakis
Princess Mononoke through the deer? JJJJ
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