I think that I'm actually kind of a twitterish person. But I have no twitter-account, no instagram-account. Yet. So I'll keep my ordinary life on my ordinary laptop.

Lately I've seen two movies at the theater.
The Dark Knight Rises (10/8) and
Brave (1/9). And as usual I'm now gonna type a few words of them each. The mighty ending of Batman gave me chills. It was stunning and the three hours didn't actually felt that long. That itself is a good sign for a movie and its qualities. The antagonist, or maybe rather said, the antagonists, are interesting and gives a deep into the story when it relies on backgrounds and earlier disagrees within the characters. I might say the misfortunes on the good side against the evil in some ways are a little exaggerated though. At the same time these factors makes it all more credible. The superhero-genre contains many dark factors, factors to be saved from. Gotham City might be these dark crimes personified. A heavy feature. The city is like a magnet, it draws the crimes to itself. The misfortunes are a consequence of that. I think. And the hope through the wall-sketches. The picture is all in all lovely and I'm in love with the soundtrack, even though it's not that good outside the context. The will for the climb during hihoos spreads a fussy feeling inside of me. Then it can be some discussions about the actors performances. What a heck is wrong with Christian Bales voice, mister macho? And the potish microphone of mister Bane, Tom Hardy. I don't really believe in an antagonist who seems to "act without speaking". Speaking like that. Maybe these fails are the reasons why I now liked Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Maybe it's his role. Maybe I'm changed. Anyhow, I did like him which I never have before. That's about it. I have to see this again to secure my grades. But it's worth it. JJJJ

And so, this Saturday, I went to see the new animated movie
Brave. My expectations for this were top-notch. As we all know, I'm a sucker for animations. What could ever go wrong with a tangled red-head princess? With a bow? And a lovely scottish accent? A lot. Obviously. Like those bears for instance, why? Why this script? Of course there were things to like but my disappointment got huge. The story felt a bit lame, it contained an important message though. The soundtrack was scottishsly lovely. And by that I mean lovely. The mother/daughter-song is already in one of my playlists on Spotify. And I like this character, Merida. Now I'm not gonna say anything more. As you can see it got its qualities and its well worth seeing, as matter in fact many in the movie theater seem to enjoy this, a lot. To judge by those laughs. JJJ
Today I've got a package. Six movies from Discshop. Okey, I paid them myself but anyway. The Avengers. Captain America. Brokeback Mountain. Easy A. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of the Shadows. The Hunger Games. I love those packages!